NFT tokens beeee, but CS:GO skins are cool? Decentralized gaming shows more and more clearly that basing the game economy on blockchain is a great idea. Tokenization of items in Web3 games means that players actually own the items acquired in the game and are able to trade them. Does item tokenization (as in RoboHero) have a chance to penetrate “traditional gaming”?
Tokenization of items – but has this already happened?!
In the world of Web2 games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensiveplayers can obtain skins and other items that make their characters and weapons unique. Let anyone who hasn’t loved Dragon Lore or a scythe (the common name for knives) cast the first stone. Unfortunately, CS:GO skins were actually worthless. Why? Because despite reaching levels of up to several hundred thousand USD on the Steam market, this amount could not be spent on anything else than games/items in the Steam store. A bit of an item Ouroboros.
In the traditional item management model, these valuable items are assigned only to the player’s account, e.g. on the Steam platform. They are traded only through this platform, which means that players are completely dependent on its regulations, commissions and rules. Changing this pattern is one of the greatest advantages of Web3 games, which open a completely new era for digital property. Tokenization of items is simply freedom.
The problem of centralization in Web2 games
Example CS:GO perfectly shows the limitations of centralization. Players invest time and money to get their dream skins, but their actual ownership is only illusory. The platform, as an intermediary, sets trading conditions and collects a commission on each transaction. Players cannot freely transfer their items to other platforms or trade them outside the monopolist’s ecosystem. As a result, it is the platform, not the user, that benefits most from trading in virtual goods. Gaming Web3 turned this table upside down.
Web revolution – tokenization of items, i.e. items as NFTs
Web3 games such as RoboHeroshow how this pattern can be changed by tokenizing items in the form of NFT tokens. Each item, skin or Robot (intentionally large, because in RoboHero these are the heroes of this universe) in such a game is a unique NFT token that the player actually has. Thanks to this, it can freely trade them on decentralized platforms.
Tokenization of items brings real ownership to the digital world. The item that the player acquires during the game is no longer just assigned to one platform – it becomes a digital asset that can be sold, exchanged or used during the game. This model increases the value of items and motivates players to further interact with the ecosystem.
Diablo III and the pitfalls of a centralized market
A failed experiment with the market in Diablo III perfectly illustrates why centralizing the trading of items in games is a dangerous direction. The game’s creators introduced a market in 2012 where players could buy and sell items for real money. Unfortunately, the system quickly began to be used by bots and farms, which resulted in a loss of balance in the game and discouraged the community. Ultimately, the market was closed and the entire initiative was considered a failure. The problem was that all trade was controlled by one source, which made the system susceptible to manipulation and limited players’ freedom. Such a condensed recipe for ruining the in-game economy 😉
Web3 – the future of the gaming industry
Web3 eliminates the centralization problems that were evident in projects such as Marketplace Diablo III. Tokenization of items allows players to gain full control over their items, being able to store them in their cryptocurrency wallets, trade them on global markets or even use them in other projects in the same blockchain ecosystem.
Thanks to tokenization, gaming items are no longer just part of the ecosystem of a specific game – they become assets of real value that can be freely used. It’s a future that opens up huge opportunities for both players and game developers, introducing greater decentralization, transparency and innovation to the gaming world.
Tokenization is more than a trend – it is a change that redefines what ownership means in games. In the Web3 era, players can truly say, “This is mine!” – and not just have the illusion of having virtual items and enjoying the illusory value of a given scythe 😉
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