Summary of 2024 in RoboHero. What will the next months bring?

RoboHero is an example of a Web3 game that has gained popularity among players. The year 2024 was extremely intense for the title and the developers themselves, because the game passed the ROBO token lunch and entered open beta. Why is now the perfect time to enter the decentralized world of robot fighting?

NFT, ROBO token and NTF Survivors – 2024 brought so many new things!

Decentralized gaming does not have to be boring and focused only on the Web3 layer. During 2024, the RoboHero team proved that good and well-thought-out gameplay, which is the basis of the game, can be in synergy with even a wide and extensive Web3 ecosystem. RoboHero developers knew that the most important element of a Web3 game was, firstly, building a good and engaging game, and secondly, creating a dedicated community around it.

Therefore, one of the first activities of the RoboHero team in 2024 was the launch of the PFP collection and the NFT Survivors campaign. At the same time, testers tested the game intensively to prepare the title for the open beta. The year 2024 also brought the launch of the ROBO token, which is the foundation of the entire Web3 project and ecosystem. The launch of the collection with robots, weapons and equipment showed that digital items work perfectly when each player has them in the form of NFT tokens. The icing on the cake was the start of the open beta, thanks to which all players could test the capabilities of RoboHero.

Among the key events, it is worth mentioning the merging of NFTs and items, which allowed you to combine your NFTs to obtain an item with a higher rarity level – something like combining skin shards in League of Legends. The icing on the cake is the introduction to RoboHero Uniosns, i.e. the ability to create clans and fight on its behalf 😉

What will appear in RoboHero in 2025?

The successes of the previous year mean that the developers of the Polish Web3 game do not intend to slow down and are revealing some details about the upcoming new products. Here are 10 new features that will bring RoboHero to an even higher level of playability and interaction between players and the Web3 ecosystem:

  • Full game premiere – in 2025, the official launch of the game will take place with 90 missions, single player and multiplayer modes, including Ranked and Normal with a betting option.
  • Functional marketplace integrated with Google Play and App Store – the new version of the marketplace will connect the Web3 world with users of traditional mobile platforms.
  • Marketing campaigns for the Web2 market – RoboHero intends to reach a wide range of users of traditional gaming platforms thanks to campaigns targeted at them.
  • New ambassador campaign – will allow you to increase community involvement and reach new groups of recipients. Additionally, of course, it will provide players with attractive prizes for participation.
  • The first tournament for Web2 players – RoboHero will organize a tournament aimed at non-Web3 players, opening the door to the world of blockchain games.
  • Global Web3 campaign – the project is planning a huge campaign that will attract the attention of blockchain technology enthusiasts from all over the world. Both players and enthusiasts of digital assets.
  • Start of sale of Lands in the form of NFTs – in the RoboHero universe, fans will be able to become owners of fragments of the virtual world, which will add a new dimension to the game. More about this unique type of NFT coming soon on!
  • Token burning mechanism – the new tool will limit the supply of tokens, which may increase their value.
  • New missions and worlds – expanding the game with additional missions and worlds will provide players with new challenges and adventures.
  • The second tournament with epic prizes – the next big tournament will be an opportunity to compete and win unique prizes.

The upcoming news clearly shows the direction in which one of the most famous premieres in Web3 gaming in 2025 will develop. That’s why now is the best time to download RoboHero from the Play Store or App Store and start your decentralized adventure!

Categories NFT