Pavel Durov released from custody! DOGS, NOT and TON tokens are going up

The drama with the founder of the Telegram application continues. Pavel Durov was released from police custody and taken to court for questioning before a possible indictment. Although the information appeared on Wednesday afternoon, the cryptocurrency market reacted immediately. TON, NOT and DOGS tokens went up.

Pavel Durov transported from custody to court – what next for Telegram CEO?

According to the latest information provided by CNN, Pavel Durov was released from custody in Paris and transported to court, where he will be “preliminarily questioned and may hear charges”. It is worth recalling that Durov’s situation has been monitored by the entire cryptocurrency and social media world since Saturday, August 24. Durov, 39, was detained at Bourget Airport in Paris on the basis of an order regarding the lack of moderation on the Telegram platform.

There has been a storm on the web among Durov’s supporters and opponents, although it would be more accurate to describe the two sides of the conflict as Telegram fans and anti-fans. It is worth adding that Pavel Durov has been detained for 96 hours, which is the maximum period that can be spent in custody before charges are brought, according to French law. Will Telegram get its CEO back?

Cryptocurrency market reacts to news of Durov’s release from custody

Durov’s topic sparked a wide-ranging discussion about the fine line between freedom of speech and censorship. As you might imagine, such situations also have a huge impact on the digital asset market. The information provided by CNN and repeated by many Twitter (or rather x-) sources caused the DOGS, TON and NOT tokens to quickly increase in value.