A group of artistic programmers called thePolacy decided to release another collection of pixel art paintings. After the success of issuing 2,137 thePolacy NFT tokens, it’s time for thePolki meme collection. ThePolacy collective proves that Web3 allows for a completely new dimension of art consumption, in its digital version.
The virtual (r)evolution of art is coming. thePolacy collective and their view on Web3
ThePolacy collective consists of four young artists and programmers who perfectly understand the potential, dynamics of development and increase in the value of digital art. Ex Human, Ozzy, Iwo and Kojak decided to combine art and business with Web3 technology. Their debut collection of 2,137 pixel art paintings thePolacy turned out to be a huge success. NFTs with pixel art sold like hot cakes among collectors, artists and Web3 enthusiasts. The numbers certainly prove the success of the first collection. On the NFT token trading platform, the approximate value of thePolacy collection is 114 ETH, or over USD 370,000. It is worth adding that thePolacy collection was minted on the Ethereum blockchain. As Kojak says:
We are facing widespread virtualization of experience. The world of games and the metaverse, 3D fashion and finally the boom in augmented reality show that more and more people are investing time and money in the digital world. This also applies to art. The Internet Web 3 allows you to share it in a safe way and opens up huge economic opportunities. That is why we support this model and show Poles its benefits.
thePolki collection – art on the Bitcoin blockchain
The success of thePolacy collection left no doubt about the next series of pixel art images minted on the blockchain. This time, a collective of four artists chose the Ordinals bitcoin protocol, which is new in the Polish Web3 space. ThePolki collection is 777 unique works that combine the aesthetics of pixel art style with the most characteristic elements of Polish culture and pop culture. As in the case of the first collection, there will be a deep insight into national characteristics and vices. Everything sprinkled with distance and humor. The process of minting the collection directly on the Bitcoin blockchain will start on Monday, April 29, 2024. This means that from this date, everyone will be able to obtain such a unique, virtual work of art.
You will find more about how to mint your Polka in tomorrow’s article!
ThePolki project is not only works of digital art, but also education and integration of the Polish Web3 community with new protocols based on the Bitcoin blockchain, i.e. Ordinals and Runes. For this purpose, thePolacy collective launched the Polish Hub Ordinals on Discord, a place for learning and exchanging experiences in the world of cryptocurrencies. The main focus will be on the young and rapidly developing Ordinals environment.
Special runes for everyone who owns thePolka!
Another important information about thePolki collection is the possibility of receiving special runes for everyone who buys a work from the latest collection. Each painting from the collection will receive 777 pieces of runes as part of the so-called Ordinals Starter Pack. The total number of dedicated runes in circulation is not yet known. However, there is and will be no other way to obtain these runes than by purchasing thePolka.
Ordinals, Runes and Web3 are new areas for digital art!
Digital works of art can reach astronomical prices today. This is due not only to the collector’s value, but also to the security provided by blockchain technology. Recent weeks have seen increased interest in NFT tokens embedded on the blockchain of the oldest blockchain network, Bitcoin. Protocols such as Ordinals or the Runes protocol introduced just a few days ago (April 20) clearly show that cryptocurrencies and art are a perfect combination. As Ozzy adds:
Web3 is a remedy for social media, a completely different model of consuming content on the Internet. A world where global corporations do not use user-shared data to generate their own profits. Web3 is a fair settlement model between the artist and the recipient, in which real art and direct relationships count, not the pursuit of empty numbers.
The year 2024 is special not only because of the halving, but also because of the introduction of another protocol enabling the creation of NFT tokens on the Bitcoin network. ThePolki collection, whose paintings were first presented at the 4th Bitcoin Halving conference (organized by thePolacy collective), is a confirmation of the huge interest in the capabilities of Web3 among the cryptocurrency community.
You can buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in a simple and safe way on the zondacrypto exchange.