Bitget for animals – the stock exchange summarizes the support campaign for the Łódź shelter

Bitget, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges and the Web3 company in December 2024 organized an initiative to support the animal shelter in Łódź.

Bitget for animals

From the funds collected, the company purchased and on 25.01.2025 provided products according to the list of the most urgent needs of the shelter and the veterinary clinic belonging to the shelter.

First of all, we are extremely proud of the involvement of our users. Our action met with great enthusiasm and the more we are happy that out of over 80,000 dogs and 35,000 cats staying in shelters in Poland, we were able to help four -legged friends staying in the Łódź hostel. Thank you very much to everyone who joined this action

– comments Grzegorz Pisula, Marketing Manager at Bitget.

For the funds collected, the stock exchange purchased for a veterinary clinic belonging to the shelter, a volumetric pump with a heating conductor, which plays an extremely important role in precise control of infusion fluid administration, in addition, sets of diagnostic tests for rapid detection of viruses, as well as one -off hygiene and procedural materials for veterinary medicine.

Up to 40 percent Dogs and cats never find his man, but thanks to the donors their lives in the shelter can be healthier and happier. So we encourage you to pay even small amounts to help quadrupeds.

Bitget information

Established in 2018, the Bitget platform is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and the Web3 company. By serving over 45 million users from over 150 countries and regions, the Bitget Exchange is involved in helping users in smarter trade thanks to the pioneering function of Copy Trading and other trade solutions, while offering real -time access to BTC prices, ETH prices and prices of other cryptocurrencies. Previously known as Bitkeep, Bitget Wallet is a world -class Krypto portfolio that offers a number of comprehensive Web3 solutions and functions, including the functionality of the portfolio, swap tokens, Marketplace NFT, Dappa browser and many others.

Bitget leads the process of spreading the adoption of cryptocurrencies through strategic partnerships, such as the role of the official cryptocurrency partner of the best football league in the world – Laligain the markets of Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and Latin America, as well as a global partnership with the best Turkish national athletes such as Buse Tosun çavuşoğlu (world champion in wrestling), Samet Gümüş (gold medalist in boxing) and ̇Lkin Aydın (member of the national team in volleyball) to inspire the global community to accept the future of cryptocurrencies.

More information can be found here: website | Twitter | Telegram LinkedIn Discord Bitget Wallet

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