The internet will cease to be human. Altman has a plan, but at what price?

The theory of dead internet begins to confirm before our eyes. Although the internet was visibly damaged by bots of bots a decade ago, the last 12 months are even an invasion. Will we be forced to put Blackwall, like in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe? Altman himself, i.e. the co -creator of Chatugpt, suggests the solution to this problem, but at a fairly considerable price.

Lagoon of content generated by AI

An increasing percentage of content on the Internet – texts, films and images – comes from tools based on artificial intelligence. Don’t get me wrong – the Genai tools are very useful, but the key to their effective use is the synergy of man and AI. What synergy? And even a perplexity research order, instead of many hours of combing the network. It is worth adding that the wise use of AI is also the fact-checking even regarding the results that AI gives.

However, this does not change the fact that social media like Facebook or portal X is now flooding the wave of content generated by AI. This phenomenon is not only associated with a decrease in quality, but also a growing risk of disinformation. Fake news, generated by bots, is difficult to distinguish from real information, which is asked: how to recognize unique content and noteworthy in the ocean of digital images? A perfect example of this can be the tsunami of Facebook groups on FB, which spam with pictures generated in AI and begging for comments and likes. Such harmless, and in total, funny challah, it is a more extensive initiative of associating Internet users around specific topics, so that these groups can be used later for various purposes (e.g. propaganda). The ordinary SCAM is shorter – which many examples are already circulating on the web.

Altman’s idea: digital identity passports

In 2016, a conspiracy theory appeared that the internet was slowly taken over by bots. This theory was created on the 4chan portal and concerned the observation of users who saw the strange behavior of one specific account. This or someone was asking a lot of questions in real time in many threads at the same time. The conspiracy theory assumed that on 4can and other portals, some kind of artificial intelligence is tested to imitate a conversation with a real man.

Children’s curiosity of a suspicious user only expanded the theory saying that this is not the only case and that the Internet of the year 2016/2017 is practically dead – mainly mastered by bots talking to each other. At that time it was a more or less crazy conspiracy theory. Today in 2025 we can see perfectly that the conspiracy theory from 2016 is becoming true in front of our eyes, because we encounter bots more and more often. They are particularly affected by this social media procedure, in which bots generate false movement, often luring unaware Internet users to get them into SCAM. Verification of real network users seems to be an increasingly difficult and complicated task. Well, how, how to verify the Internet user so as not to force the privacy at the same time? Openai co -founder and co -founder Chatugpt has a solution.

Altman itself proposes a revolutionary (in its assumption) online verification system – digital identity. His design, Worldcoin, creates digital passports that confirm that the user is human, not Botemai. This system is to help fight the disinformation generated by AI, but also raises many questions about the privacy and future of the Internet.

What are digital passports and how are they supposed to work?

Digital passports would be based on blockchain technology and biometric verification. Each user has a unique identifier that would confirm his “humanity”. The key to verify the user is his retina. You can see that Altman himself literally took to heart that his eyes are a mirror of the soul.

To join Worldcoin, scan your own volleyball with a special device called orb. It is the Orby in the future that the guards of the internet remain human. Although the idea in its assumption is logical, it raises a huge amount of controversy. Although the Orby have already appeared in more countries of the world, for example, Nigeria has completely banned the activities of Worldcoin and scanning of the network of citizens of her country.

These fears are not unjustified. Altman’s approach carries the risk of excessive surveillance and data centralization. The question arises: who controls biometric information and what is the certainty that they will not be used in some way?

Freedom versus security

The introduction of digital passports can force users to choose between anonymity and online security. Although the idea involves protection against abuse, history shows that the restrictions introduced “for our good” often lead to abuse and loss of freedom. Altman and Worldcoin withdrew from the initial policy, which assumed that biometric data was stored only on Worldcoin servers.

Recently, the user can also decide to have such data on his own device or delete it. Once verified, the account is to remain verified always. But what about mistakes? Unforeseen scenarios? Although Altman’s solution theoretically means that the internet ceases to be seized by bots, in fact the price of such an undertaking may be too high – especially since biometric data is an extremely sensitive type of data.

What about content creators and consumers?

Theoretically, Altman’s passport is to make the internet again a place where we have at least a shadow of a chance to recognize that we are talking to man, not with AI (which once again passes Turing’s test). Will this change anything about creators and consumers of content? Such passports (or certificates) would also have to be issued to all content on the web, so that it is known that a given picture, music or film is AI’s work. Although to some extent it is already happening, because both YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram have introduced special AI content that recognizes AI content, so it is still more about the voluntary designation of AI artists who use Genai tools in their works than automatic recognition of such content. Why is it so? Because the development of Genai tools is so fast that they often generate indistinguishable content from the real one. How will this affect the Internet and ourselves? We will find out soon, because the wave of such content now floods not only social media, but the internet in its general understanding.

And as a co -author of the content – is it bad?

The content generated by AI is not necessarily worse than those created by people. Especially if you needed to check if you need to check if you need to see if this Sunday is just a trading Sunday;) However, this does not change the fact that the content is fully generated by AI and thrown without any human processing, it is very often hallucinations. Yes, LLMs, i.e. large language models, are able to make up very effectively to only perform the task entrusted to them. Cooperation with AI is not bad and in many industries will soon be required. It is important, however, that Genai tools are (well) tools, not the vowels that work without virtually no human control.

Is there a better way to fight AI abuse? Self -regulation of the AI ​​industry and user education could bring better results without having to violate privacy. It is hard to admit, but it is actually difficult to find an alternative to Altman’s idea, which would at the same time prove the humanity of a given user and did not violate privacy.

Is a digital passport the beginning of a global people database?

The introduction of a system of digital passports can lead to the creation of a global database, reminiscent of a social credit system in China. Are we ready for such a future? Of course, quite far away, but Altman’s idea arouses great controversy. It is true that supporters point to security benefits, but opponents warn against losing anonymity and freedom on the Internet.

Will digital passports make the Internet more human, or on the contrary – deprive him of the essence of freedom? Donating anonymity will improve the quality of online space, but the price may be too high.

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