Sławomir Mentzen defends bitcoin in an interview. “But they are very unstable…”

Cryptocurrencies, Mr. Editor, this is the future and the whole world is starting to understand it

But they are very unstable (exchange rate)

They are so volatile that in 2013 I bought these bitcoins for $600, and now each one is worth $100,000. I wish everyone, Mr. Editor, such instability

But there were also falls along the way

Cryptocurrencies are opposed in Poland because the state is unable to control them. As a result, companies trying to operate in this modern industry had to close down or leave Poland. Therefore, as president, I will strive to free up cryptocurrency trading and ensure that Poland has the most cryptocurrency-friendly law in the entire European Union, thanks to which we will become a European hub for companies in this industry. This will attract many modern companies to Poland and create well-paid jobs.